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A Coronacation/Staycation 2020

Everything a Girl needs for a Coronacation/Staycation - Books, Creativity, Entertainment, Projects and Chocolate Bird Dog
Everything a Girl needs for a Coronacation/Staycation

Day #1 of My Unscheduled Holiday from work. It is 5:12pm and I am still in my PJ's on March 22nd. Oh dear, I need a plan. This is the first time in over 18 years I have had more than 4 consecutive work free days off at home. Honestly, it is a bit intoxicating that I have no place pressing to be. There are some things I am tempted to do like binge watch TV. There are things I should do like clean out the bathroom pantry which I have been procrastinating on for longer than I am willing to publicly admit. Or I could get down on my hands and knees and organize all the lower cabinets in the kitchen, ugh! There are some things I really want to do that I don't always take time for like read a good book. My Aunt gave me The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Definitely going to crack that open. The idea of getting outside and practicing with my new camera is exciting, Lord knows I need it. Already I am spending lots of time texting with friends which is good and scrolling social media which is not so good and close to being restricted. Now I know many of you are in this same boat as I am. Some may be looking forward to a little time off and many are too anxious, which is totally understandable. Truth be told I am dipping in both ponds. But I am going to Choose to embrace this time of respite and regroup, because sometimes a little alone time is needed to clear all the cobwebs out, see clearly and reset. Twenty years back I lost my job and was out of work for 3 months. I spent most of that time trying to be productive feeling that was the proper thing to do. What I wish I would have done is taken more time to just breathe while given the chance. Because before long it was back to a work schedule. Now it is 20 years later and there is an opportunity for a do over. So maybe I won't make that plan or overthink the should do's or could do's. Instead I am just going to take this bump in the road of life and cruse through it doing things that will bring me peace day by day, makeup free because no one can see me! This is no time to put added pressures on ourselves by creating expectations. Just enjoy your families or quiet time. Because before you know it we will all be bustling about wondering when we are going to find time to do the things we have been wanting to. By the time you read this it will be several days from the completion date of this post and I hope all us on Coronacation have seized the days at home and pray we are all healthy enough to enjoy them. And if you need help there is no shame in asking for it, because we all need a boost sometimes. It is an unsettling thing that is happening in the world, but my wish is that a little peace comes from it. If anyone ever needs a boost, please hit me up. I am always available and when I help you, I help myself too.

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