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Writer's pictureDeborah Burgoon London

Rediscovering a Creative Past-Time

My Camera and Our Early AM Photo!
My Camera and Our Early AM Photo!

Have you ever had an Adventure you wanted to tackle but it just seemed too complicated? I felt that way about photography for as long as I can remember. In 1987 I was required to take it as part of my Journalism Degree. Camera's required film and we processed images in a dark room with trays, tongs and a red light outside the door so no one would enter the room and risk prematurely exposing the images. Enjoying the creativity, my work managed to score me a passing grade. After college I went into Banking and photography went on the "back burner". I would watch over the years as people would take oodles of pictures never understanding why. Couldn't believe all those photos were really going to be looked at again. When I wanted to remember something, I just looked at it real heard, closed my eyes, took a mental snapshot and filed it away in my brain in that special folder I can't seem to ever find. Fast forward a decade later and a new career requires some photo skills and Cameras are now digital. Geesh, things did get complicated! For two more decades when I would write my "things to do" list for the year, at the top of the list was become a better Photographer. Two things held me back. First, I am a bit frugal and investing in a good Camera seemed too big a luxury. Second, it just seemed too mind boggling when I tried to tackle the process. With this Blog I realized I needed to take the plunge. So I asked a Photographer, an Instructor and a Novice what Camera was the best for my price range. For that kind of investment it needed to be the right one. Three decades after my first test of photography I dug into some savings and purchased a beautiful Camera. Now it was time for some lessons. I went to my good friend YouTube and found a free course. Each night was filled with studies and practice sessions. Now every time I head out the door, with Camera in hand, a true Adventure is about to take place. When out and about I take more time to look around and see what the world is offering for inspiration..which I love because like many of you, if I am not inspired, I am not motivated. Yesterday AM I popped out of bed like a Pop-Tart eager for the adventure Me and My Camera were about to go on. Each frame I try to remember the rules and when I arrive home the first thing I do is upload the pictures to see how I did. Many end up in trash, but there are usually a few keepers. There is a long way to go on this Adventure of photography and so much to still learn. We are never too old to retry something that gave us happiness. If there is something you have always wanted to do but the time was not right, when you see that door open, run through it because the joy it could bring might open up a whole new world ready to frame. "Great Photos are Not Taken They Are Made" same with Life. 😊

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My first encounter the AM I popped out of bed!
My first encounter the AM I popped out of bed!


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