For Mom.
My Mom text me she misses my weekly Perks. Can you believe it has been 1 year since I Perked some Positivity. Good Lawd! I read my last official Perk to see if I followed my own advice.
I think I did pretty good. Travis Tritt had it right when he sang It's a goofy thing but I just gotta say, Hey I'm doing all right. Another reminder it has been a year since my last full Blog is I received notice my Website subscription is due 9/29 and the price is increasing 17% 😳. I have a rule. There's choices if something is not bringing you Joy or is making you unhappy. These are my choices. #1 Make peace with it and live with it, #2 Make a change that brings Joy or #3 Be unhappy. #3 is never an option. So in this situation of rising costs I choose #1. Because I put my full heart into this site, it harbors my life stories and is meant to spread Joy to others. Now what to Blog about.. This brain is a constant word fest of stories, the book never closes up there. I looked at my categories. Definitely can't do Vogue unless work gloves and muckers are in Vogue. Explore.. Music... Nature, all great things that inspire. But you know what has really inspired this Positive Missus this year, Creatures! Bingo. Love this Black Swallowtail Caterpillar. She was just hanging out on my Parsley Plant for several days, good choice. Just taking her time enjoying the sun, breezes, and raindrops on this simple sprig of Parsley she decided to take comfort in. Her colors caught my eye right away, bright yellow. How lucky is she to have the colors of the sun on her. There is a little Vogue thinking starting here! She has alot of feet so I imagine matching shoes could be quite pricey. One can really appreciate she is so happy in her space. She sees no need to be busier than a cat covering her mess on a marble floor. No ma'am. She is not going to be needing to choose Option #1, #2, or #3 because she is in her happy place. First thing we were told when we moved to TN was we needed to slow down. We learned fast that we needed to adapt to this speed, slow, like the Swallowtail. Our new neighbors seemed Joyful in their simple lives and quiet days. They say, if you can't beat them, join them. People here move slower, talk slower and take Their Sweet Southern Time. Simple things and quiet reflection allows us a sense of peace. It is in the sounds of the mountain breezes, the night time bard owl and coyotes, the fireflies, the trickle of the river below, sounds of whippoorwills and katydids, watching and discovering little creatures, laughter with neighbors and so much more that God has gifted us that bring Peace in the Wild. So Keep On Keep'in On Ya'll, try creep'in along like a Swallowtail and feel your heart burst open like the Wings of a Butterfly. Howl at the moon and make everyday A great day to be alive - take a listen
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