I was unpacking My Christmas decorations and came across this bell I was gifted a few years back by My Mom. It is a signed bell by Karolyn Grimes who played ZuZu Bailey in the 1946 classic "It's a Wonderful Life". The bell is pretty plain, but the sound that comes from it is Angelic. Rightly so, because as ZuZu so sweetly told her Daddy.. " Teacher says, every time a bell rings an Angel gets It's wings". If you have seen this classic you know that the Angel she refers to is Clarence, an (AS2) Angel Second Class. Most people see George as the heart of the story, but I am leaning towards Clarence, because Clarence touched George's heart in a way that allowed him to believe in himself again. Even though Clarence had been trying to get his wings for over 200 years and was sent as a last resort Angel, he did not allow that truth to lessen his resolve or desire to inspire. He resolved to show George that George's life had a positive impact on many people and hopefully inspire George to want to live. After jumping off a bridge into cold water and granting George his wish to see his world as if he had never been born, Clarence completed his mission. George saw that even though life gives us challenges we need to appreciate all of life's blessings and successes. Clarence's ability to show one person why they have value is as powerful as a person realizing that they themselves have value. If you stumble upon someone who is struggling to know their worth, take a lesson from Clarence and show them chapters of their story where they had true value, were appreciated and needed. No matter the struggle, many times the struggle is worth it, not only for yourself, but for those who's lives you have blessed. We don't need to be an AS2 or jump off a bridge to reach out and show compassion. This Holiday Movie encourages us to show appreciation in hopes everyone has a Wonderful Life. As we go on our daily steps know that what we do touches others in ways we may never now. Resolve to inspire and give hope. To hear the sound of ZuZu's bell the moment Clarence earned his wings, click this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcMgt3JQDxw
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