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Commentary From A 2020 High School Senior 💕

Lillie Burgoon, My Niece, 2020 High School Senior

If you are a Senior in High School in 2020, the year may not have ended the way tradition has taught us. Thankfully My smart, funny and beautiful Niece Lillie Burgoon shows the Positive in what has been an unconventional Senior Year. I dedicate this Post to her words below and all Seniors who have found silver linings. She writes....Having my last day of Senior Year be March 12th instead of June 20th was a shock that no one would have predicted at the beginning of the school year. Covid-19 has taken everyone by surprise and put a halt on life, and getting in the way of so many things that we, as seniors, deserved to experience. We lost our Senior Prom, Senior Bash, our last days of high school and maybe even walking the stage for our graduation, which is just so heartbreaking to think about. While I might not experience those milestones that everyone has in 12th grade, I’m extremely lucky. I’m healthy, and no one I love or even know has contracted the virus, so we’ve all been safely tucked away in our homes. While it’s so easy to focus on the sad stuff going on in the world and the scary possibilities about the future, it’s so important to just keep looking on the positive side and keep informed with what’s going on, to keep yourself in the best position to stay healthy and happy. With moving away to college only 3 months away, the biggest thing on my mind is spending time with my family and soaking up that time before it ends, and social-distancing has created a good opportunity for that! I spend everyday with my little sister, and on the weekends, soak up the sun with my mom and step-dad added in and just spend time together, which is something I might not have been able to do if we were living on a normal schedule. With the scary unknown about the future of our schooling, our teachers have done an amazing job keeping us positive and helping us along the way during these confusing times. They are constantly in contact whenever you need them, supporting us with the work we need to have completed and just being a friendly face, which has been so important. Considering the circumstances, they’ve done just an amazing job and keep a smile on my face during our Zoom meetings. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the world, or something as small as our senior year, but looking on the bright side makes all the difference. I had a great ¾ of my senior year, Facetime keeps me connected to my best friends and I’ve found a lot of happiness in being outside to explore nature. These are obviously not the days that I would want for the end of my career in school, but it’s special to see how my friends and family are coping with these times and finding new ways to stay happy and healthy! -Lillie

"The Future Belongs to Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt. Share your Positive Senior Story. Head back to the top of the page to Join My Blog and receive new post updates and visit the main menu to read past post of Positivity! Congrats Class of 2020!


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