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Writer's pictureDeborah Burgoon London

Sing, Sing Out loud

Keep your Song Simple, Your Good Enough
Keep Your Song Simple, Your Good Enough!

Sing, sing a song, make it simple to last your whole life long. Don’t worry if it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear. The Carpenters recorded this song in 1973 and there couldn’t be a more happier song! This song inspires and allows us to write music, unabashedly, about good things that bring us happiness.. In case you live under a rock or in your phone here is the link I like to write lyrics from time to time. Not sure what I will do with them. There is no melody for the song lyrics. Words bounce around in this brain constantly, but original melodies do not. Actually, some days I wish they would, because the sound of my own thoughts can be a bit overwhelming at times. Some of the sweeter, little mental mind bursts have found their way onto my laptop in the form of song lyrics. Lyric Tips: First, what is the story about? Second, what will the Chorus be, the common thread throughout? Third, don't make it too long, keep it simple. Most importantly, don’t think too much about it, just let the words flow through your heart to the keyboard. I wrote this about Mother Nature, a Mountain and Joy:

Darlin’ don’t you wanna make me happy. Don’t you wanna make me smile? Life can get so crazy let’s get out a Country Mile. We can travel through some back roads. Take the wind a mile or more. Grab an oak leaf off the stones. Take a snapshot or two or four. Make our way up to the hilltop. See the heavens from the ground. Find a star next to the moon shine. Make a wish upon it’s sparkle. Let the sun warm your heart, let the clouds protect your soul. Let’s walk a Country Mile, Let Joy be Your Guide, Harbor only Joy and put Sadness to the Side. Put our feet into the bare grass. Feel the blades between our toes. Dance a bit under the moonlight. Put your ear into the sunshine. Listen to the cicadas as they sing. Watch the hummingbird flap his little wings. Spy a turtle in the river and a blue dragonfly on a branch. Take a snapshot or two or four. See the moss upon the water and the bubbles from the fish. Let’s walk a Country Mile, Let Joy be Your Guide, Harbor only Joy and put Sadness to the Side. No need to go undercover in Mother Nature, her joy is endless with her gifts. The rain is soft as shedding flower petals as our feet feel the dew she has made. So Darlin’ never allow life to bring you down. Rise up and travel the roads and let the wind be your guide. And take a snapshot or two or four. Let’s walk a Country Mile, Let Joy be Your Guide, Harbor only Joy and put Sadness to the Side. Maybe this little string of words and thoughts will inspire someone to tickle some ivories or pluck some strings and create a melody for it. I would love to hear how it inspired your heart to sing and sharing it would allow the whole world to sing along...loud and strong. What would your lyrics be inspired by? Head back to the Home page to Join My Blog and receive new post updates and visit the main menu to read past posts of Positivity!

Bonus Lyrics

This second one is about the Hatching of a Mountain Dream:

It started with a dream of going up high, high into the hills where God could see me. In those hills stood two strong trees like the wings of Angels. Between those trees a chair was placed and each morning coffee was drank between those two wings of bark, branches and needles. Two Trees on A Mountain Top where dreams are hatched. Like tiny little eggs of possibilities. A tiny egg held the plans for peace. Peace of mind, peace of heart and peace of mankind A tiny egg held plans for the get up and go. The get up of the mind, the go of the body, the beating of a heart that harbors desire to grow. A tiny egg held plans for community. Community in culture, community in values and the bond of common beliefs. A tiny egg held plans for joy. Joy of friendships, joy of being active, joy of adventure and the joy in the simplicity. Two Trees on A Mountain Top where dreams are hatched. Like tiny little eggs of possibilities. Wrapped in the wings of the tree's branches, these eggs began to hatch. And the life created by each built a foundation. One of block and wood, but also one of love and hope and possibilities. So it is OK to keep all your eggs in one basket when together they fill your soul with happiness and wonder. Two Trees on A Mountain Top where dreams are hatched. Like tiny little eggs of possibilities. Trust in your dreams, listen to your heart.

The Two Trees 💕
The Two Trees 💕


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