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The Goat, Wilder TN January 2022

Writer's picture: Deborah Burgoon LondonDeborah Burgoon London

The Base of The Goat
The Base of The Goat, at The Painted Bridge
The othe rside of The Painted Bridge
The other side of The Painted Bridge

I have never seen water on the other side. Summer and Fall has always left this side dry with only large boulders bigger than my car all the way down the river. Now you can not even see them!

Through the Culvert
Through the Culvert
Down the Mountain
Down the Mountain
Through the Rocks
Through the Rocks
Trickle through the Foliage
Trickle through the Foliage
Our contribution from our property at The Top
Our contribution from our property at The Top
The Start
Another Mockingbrid Lane Contribution

Since our return to TN I have been so busy digg'in Ya'll , that I have not had time to do much exploring. But the snow followed by heavy rains has left us waiting for Mother Nature to dry us out. The snow melted in 2 days, followed by heavy rain. The result is tons of beautiful waterfalls cascading down rocky mountain outcroppings into the River below. A river that runs dry in some spots in the summer and fall. Rather than take the normal ride up The Mountain we decided to take a very "exclusive" path called The Goat, up the backside of The Mountain. So I ask The Mountain Chat "why is it called The Goat?" I was told it is because only a goat could make a path that narrow and climb it. Totally makes sense now 🤣. It is a very narrow, rocky climb up to the top of Wilder. It was an adventure. But if you are squeamish about these types of things, a gentler ride around Rte 85 will bless you with these cascading beauties every minute or so. My friend said she counted over 20 on her short ride not so long ago. So while Mother Nature can sometimes put a little wrinkle in your plans, her gifts of beauty are endless.

Fix'in to do some more Digg'in
Back to Digg'in when it dries out


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