Driving a Mountain Road can be quite scary, when you're a flatlander like me. The fear of heights is a real thing! It kept me from enjoying the Beartooth Pass for several years. I conquered that fear with a little help from Georgie. See my Blog regarding that journey from 2019 https://www.positiveperksposts.com/post/bravery-brings-beauty So it became a real thing when my new reality found me living on top of a Mountain with no way down except as my husband's passenger. No, this was not acceptable. I want to believe when there's a will there's a way, even if it means conquering fears. Often life leaves us at a crossroads and we have to decide how badly we want to do something. We can either fold and take the path of ease or we can "get 'er done", pull up our bootstraps and white knuckle it down the hill of life. No one wants to be stranded on a mountain without any means of getting themselves down. After a month, I looked at my husband and said "I am going to do it today, drive us down the East Side and back up". I need to know if I require a break from him, I can take a drive. Kidding, not Kidding ha! Don't judge me, you know you have all been there. So I propped myself up in his Infinity, pulled the seat all the way forward and adjusted the mirrors. The scary part is that when traveling winding roads that don't have centerlines, but do have steep drop offs, you just don't know what is coming around the corner that may lead you closer to the edge. Another great metaphor for life's unknowns. You can choose to stay back, do what keeps you feeling secure, or take on the adventure. So down the mountain we go and I navigate the twisty turns and make it to the bottom. We both blow up our fist bump and pat me on the back. The ride back up is a bit scarier and it begins to rain. My fear creates the words "I am not driving back up". My husband says you can do this. I wrinkle my nose, sigh really loud and am seriously annoyed that he is pushing me. I thought about my Little Weezie who never cowered from life's challenges, she had grit and sass. I channeled her little heavenly spirit, hit the accelerator and drove us back up the mountain. It was a big day. At 53 years old I have learned this month that when you really want to do something, there are no excuses, only reasons. Some reasons are valid and some are just.. hollow reasons. Whether it is taking an adventure, trying new food, making new friends, driving up a mountain. If you want to do it and aren't, dig deep and ask yourself why?. Maybe you just really are not interested or maybe you are and it's time to be honest with why you are not. If the latter applies, conquer the mountain in life and find the joy in showing yourself that you can do it. Many times life's rewards are right around the bend, you just have to have the courage to drive yourself there. What's your Mountain? Head back to the Home page to Join My Blog and receive new post updates and visit the main menu to read past posts of Positivity!
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